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scandal First of all, I would like to say hello to everyone who likes a turban sex story from here. Honestly, I wasn’t someone who had any fantasies about it. But my aunt had a lot of influence on me, and now it’s a situation like turbaned women conjuring sex to me. I wasn’t too obsessed with the sex story either. I usually insisted on watching porn videos. But sex stories are also starting to get into my field of interest quite a lot. My sister-in-law has a pretty big influence on this too.
My uncle is a man who lives in the same neighborhood as us, but he doesn’t have much contact with our parents. Dec. They don’t get along with my dad much either, but he’s loved me since I was a kid. Probably because there are only 20 years between us. Dec. When the age difference was small, he was always more like an older brother than an uncle. But after getting married, his profile changed a lot. All of a sudden, he became a mature person like my father. The man who used to tell sex stories with a turban all the time is gone, replaced by an adult who said read and be a big man. He turned out to be a man who worked shift work all the time and didn’t enjoy life very much.
Anyway, to get back to our topic, my uncle called me one day and said there was a problem with his computer. Because I understand technological tools, when something like this happens in the family, I’m usually the first person they call. I went to my uncles, my aunt was wearing a sweet dress, although she had a turban on her head again. He has received a lot of criticism in the family about this. Although she has a turban on her head, not many people like my sister-in-law because she wears leggings or something that shows her body contours. She covered her head again that day, but wore a skirt that came to her knees.
My uncle showed me the computer. There were an incredible number of viruses on the computer. When I looked at his browser history, I saw that there was no porn site that he had not entered. He’s been in a lot of places, from teen porn videos to tut, revealing videos, from a turban sex story to tut, incest stories. And from everywhere he entered, he unwittingly downloaded a lot of viruses or add-ons that he didn’t want. I said, “uncle, I’ll do it, but I have to format it, everything in it will go away.” There was nothing important anyway. But I said it would take at least a few hours. I’m going to work now, don’t leave before you fix the computer, he said I have a job when the night comes. It’s not hard to guess what his job is.
My uncle left, I was sitting at the computer, lingering for a while, looking at the sites and viruses that my uncle had entered. At that moment, my aunt came with a Decanter and a glass in her hand. He brought me cookies and coke. Viruses are constantly opening many sites on the browser, such as porn screens, penis enlargement ads, or a chat line. As soon as my sister-in-law brought the plate, a porn site automatically opened on the screen. When my sister-in-law saw what was on the screen, she felt like dropping the plate for a moment. Of course, I tried to explain that it was caused by a virus in order to immediately clear myself. My sister-in-law’s facial expression has not changed. But in the midst of that Decrepitude, he asked, “If it’s not you, then did your uncle enter?” In the face of such a question, I had to sell my uncle. Turbaned turban It was better for her to know that her husband is a person who watches porn and reads a turbaned sex story all the time than for her to see me as a pervert, a person who watches porn in front of his sister-in-law. Besides, if there was a mistake, it wasn’t my uncle’s mistake, I couldn’t take it on myself.
My sister-in-law, both a little angry and a little surprised, said go in and see which sites she has entered. There was nothing to hide anymore, I started opening the sites he entered yesterday from his past one by one. There were a lot of incest stories on sex story sites. There was also a world of porn videos. I opened one of the videos. While I was sitting in the chair waiting for my sister-in-law’s command, my sister-in-law leaned towards the computer screen and began to study the video with pure attention. The video was an incestuous video between a Decedent father and his daughter. We watched the first 5 minutes of the video together, and now the woman and the man had passed through the kissing, caressing stages and started undressing. At that moment, I felt that I had to intervene and I said, “Should I turn it off, aunt”. He sternly said no, and I began to wait. My sister-in-law watched the 11-minute video and her breathing started to change a little. I thought it was out of anger.
Open it, let me see what else he said, I said there are a lot of turban sex stories. He said turn on the videos he was watching. I opened another video, my sister-in-law filled her eyes a little, “now isn’t this guy cheating on me?” he asked. While asking this, he was squeezing my leg with his hand and holding himself with difficulty so as not to cry. I was saying things like “this is not cheating, every man does this kind of thing, it has nothing to do with you” to console. He wanted to see the other ones he was watching, but he didn’t take his hand off my leg. I opened another video, my sister-in-law and I were sitting watching porn videos. My sister-in-law was getting closer and closer to the screen, and naturally she was getting more into me. I was now erect because of your videos and my sister-in-law’s hand.
My sister-in-law’s kneecap and my kneecap were touching each other. I put my hand on my own kneecap as I watched. The side of my hand was touching my sister-in-law’s knee. He didn’t pull his knee. Her skirt, which was normally long up to the kneecap, became a little shorter when she sat down. That’s why the series I touched was naked, it was impossible not to feel it. I slowly moved my hand closer to his knee. My little finger was on his knee now. I started to bring my hand up again with very slow movements. From the knee up, I was bringing the skirt with me and continuing to touch her skin. My hand was halfway Decoupled between his kneecap and his groin. Besides, I’ve also stripped her skirt up all the way here. Despite this, my sister-in-law did not say a word, nor did she look at my face. He was still watching the video. Saying whatever will happen now, I put my whole hand on his leg, which I touched only with my pinkie finger. He suddenly took a deep breath, but he didn’t look at me again. So I put my hand stroking up to her crotch and started stroking her pussy over her panties. My sister-in-law had spread her legs and started moaning at a very low decibel. It was such a hoarse sound that even he could hardly tell whether it was breathing or moaning. The wetness on my hand showed how much enthusiasm he had come, but I was still afraid that he would react. I was so excited that my breathing could be faster than my aunt’s. On the one hand, I was thinking that those turban sex stories that my uncle used to read were coming true.
While fingering my sister-in-law, I was holding my own dick, which was like a stone, in one hand. Although I squeezed to ejaculate, I couldn’t resist and ejaculated into my own pants. But I couldn’t pass up this opportunity and I kept stroking my aunt’s pussy with the same rhythm and excitement. After stroking my aunt for a few minutes, she suddenly got up from the chair she was sitting in. At that moment I thought it was all over and I was incredibly scared. My sister-in-law went and lay down on the sofa bed as if nothing had happened. I just watched for 5 seconds like an idiot and didn’t understand what he was doing. But when he looked up and looked at my face, I realized that he was actually calling me too. She had already pulled the skirt up to her waist before I even left.
I got between my sister-in-law’s legs and kissed her crotch around her panties first.Dec. Then I took off her panties and tried to lick them. My sister-in-law’s moans were starting to become more pronounced. When he grabbed me by the shoulder and tried to pull me up, I realized that he wanted me to get inside, but my dick just got erect again. I entered into my sister-in-law at once as a novice. I went in and out of it at a fast speed for 5 minutes, my aunt’s moans started to multiply even more. Finally, when he started squirming in a way that I realized was an orgasm, I couldn’t stand it either, and I ejaculated.
I lay down next to my sister-in-law on the sofa bed. We both lit a cigarette without speaking.

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